
Catch Reports related to Archipelago Lake

Hi Guys, this week we have a new group fishing on a exclusive lake booking, Woody, Connor, Kevin, Stuart and Mark. Fishing swims 2,4,5,9 and 10. Baits being used are various boilies ISO fish, Archiepeachy Red and white particles and pellet. Mega hard week for the guys first proper carp out was Wednesday morning off […]

Hi Guys, we had Keith and Dave on a exclusive lake booking, over the past couple of years have become regulars fishing twice a year returning again in September and again in September 2025 let’s hope they can trip a few up ! They fished swims 9 and 10 bait used Archiepeachy White and Red […]

Bob was over this week, fishing swim 9 at first moving midweek to swim 5 after a quiet first half to the week. So swim 5 it was and it did not take long to get amongst the fish several stockies, Stallone @ 57 lb 4 oz, white tip @ 50 lb 12 oz and […]

Hi Guys, this week we had welcomed Bob son Andy brother Jon and friend Ian back to trip a few up. Fished swims 3, 6 yes 6, 9 ,10 and 11. Various boilie baits were used Archiepeachy white our pellet and particles. Well it didn’t stop raining from the off we were flooded out this […]

We welcomed back Dale, John and Dean. Fished swims 3,5,9 and 11. Sadly just after the guys arrived the carp started spawning this as the norm lasted into the week followed by a very quiet period, Wednesday morning Dale swim 11 tripped up Rumble a male fish he had named after a friend a few […]

Hi Guys, we were back this week with a group of 4, returning is Jay, Joe, Darren and newbie Chatty or James. Fishing swims 4,5,9 and 10. Guys were using our Archiepeachy red and white with our pellet. Lots of runs over 30 fish banked up to just short of 55 lb which was Katie […]

Hi Guys we are back this week with a lake exclusive booking, returning angler Gareth and his Dad John. Fished Swims 9 and 10. As before they are using Baitworks Atlantic heat with various hookbaits and lots our pellet all 125 kgs of it What a start it was for the guys they smashed it […]

Hi guys, back for second time this season are the East London lads. Steve, Alan, Dominic and new addition Mario Fishing swims 3, 5, 9 and 10 other swims that were used over the week especially by Alan lol he liked moving were 4,6,11 And 12 ! Guys are using mainlines Cell, Essential Cell and […]

Hi Guys, Individuals this week, Simon, Dad Peter, Darren and Neil. Fishing swims 3,4,9 and 10 Guys are using Archiepeachy red and white, DNA baits, Mainline cell and Royal Marine from baitworks all using our pellet ! Well the guys had a really good week plenty of stockies to keep them busy a few pasties […]

Hi guys, this week we have just two anglers booked exclusively, Bob and Nick fishing swims 9 and 10. Bait used is Archiepeachy boilies red and white and our pellet. Bob got off the mark on swim 9 straight away tripping up Stallone @ 52 lb 8 oz Boom 💥 this was one of three […]

Hi guys, this week we had returning anglers Keith and Dave booking the lake exclusively for themselves as they did back in April ! Guys will be fishing swims 9 and 10 ! Baits used were Archiepeachy Red and White with our pellet. The guys had a really tough week high temperatures down 13 degrees […]

Hi Guys, returning anglers this week after a 6 year gap. Andi, Bill, Andrew and new addition Sam. Fishing Swims 3, 5, 9 and 10/11 Baits used were Archiepeachy Red/white and our pellet. The guys had a cracking week all did PB’s let’s start with Bill on swim 9 never had a 50 let alone […]

Hi Guys, another returning group after 10 years from Wales. Gareth, Andrew, Stuart and Scott. Fishing Swims 3, 5, 9 and 10. Baits used are Archiepeachy Red/White, mainline cell, DNA baits (bug) and our pellet. What a rock hard week this turned into, swim 3 got amongst the fish at times which resulted in 3 […]

Hi Guys, we have returning anglers Darron, James, Nathaniel aka Rambo and new addition Michelle. Fished swims 3,5,9 and 10. Baits used are DNA baits and our pellet. Considering the lake fished very hard we had some excellent results with Daisy coming out twice first James on swim 5 @ 73 lb 8 oz then […]

Hi guys, we welcomed back Ant, Dan, Steve, and Jamie all have been here before on several trips over the years. Swims fished were 4,5,9 and 10. Bait used were mainlines Essential cell, Cell, Hybrid and Activ-8, and our pellet. Where to start ? Well the lake fished hard again but we had some excellent […]

Hi Guys, this week we had a new group on Nathan, Mark, Matt and Luke. Guys fished swims 3,5,9 and 10. Baits used are Archiepeachy white and pellet ! The lower temperatures have cooled the water down and has slowed down the fishing everyone got off the mark so no blankers, lots of stock fish […]

Hi Guys, this week 3 locals Ian, Tony, and Lee all English and 2 from the UK Jordan and Rob. Fishing swims 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Baits being used are Archiepeachy red and white and pellet. Well, where to start? What can you say about this week? A wash out, that’s an understatement, […]

Hi Guys, We had our good friend Sir Bob over for the next week helping me out grading the house stock lake removing unwanted, keeping the fish we want to bring on and moving the C2/3 fish over to the blue lagoon. Bob fished swim 9 using our Archiepeachy white/red boilies pellet and our winter […]

Hi Guys, first week of the season really looking forward to it see how all the hard work of feeding them over the weather has paid off. We welcomed Dave, Jason, and two Marks one of the Marks is his first time with us the others have visited many times over the time of our […]

Hi Guys, for the next 3 weeks we have Sir Bob on lake exclusive, being joined from week to week with friends and brothers. This week we had Ben who’s a first timer here and Colin who has been out before. The Guys fished swims 3,4 and of course 9, then swim 1 and 5 […]

Hi Guys, we said goodbye to Ben and Colin and welcomed Ashley and Connor, Swims being fished Bobs staying on swim 9 Ashley is on 3 and Connor is on swim 4. Bait being used is our particle, pellet Archiepeachy white boilies our peach glug. New to carp fishing Connor was first to catch swim […]

Hi Guys, Bobs was joined by his brother Terry and friend Mark. Bob stuck it out on Swim 9 it fished very slow him nothing coming off the spots, Brother Terry was on swim 3 and Mark on swim 2. Various baits were used with our particle. Wednesday Terry and Mark had to leave early […]

We said goodbye to Bob and welcomed back Chis, Ryan, Steve and new additions Norman and Nathan Guys fished swims 3,4,5,9 and 10. Bait used Archiepeachy red and white boilie our pellet/particle. Guys had a very wet start torrential rain making it very difficult when was it going to stop ! Excellent trip for the […]