yves and his wife come every years 6 weeks to all nauticarp lakes. and this years they choose camalo for starting season!
they had very raining day and windy. they caught 2 very big carp the first 3 days and after the change for going to etang Furet in lodge because the wind broke a tempest stick.
two miror 50 and 57 lbs.
![Camalo Lake – 24 February, 2024](https://ogaik5s7ow.dreamcarpholidays.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IMG-20240324-WA0001.jpg)
![Camalo Lake – 24 February, 2024](https://ogaik5s7ow.dreamcarpholidays.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IMG-20240325-WA0017.jpg)