
Catch Reports related to Etang la Planchette

Lake regular Steve finally gets a 60 lb carp and a soaking with this mirror tipping the scales at 63 lb 3 oz . A few more from Gavin , Jason, Wayne and Jamie . See you next year guys 👍

Lake regular Jason gets his first 60lb carp at 60 lb 6 oz The smile say’s it all . Lake newcomer Paul has been trying for a 50 lb common for years , he only goes and lands the Silver Surfer at 68 lb 2 very Happy anglers . Colin’s biggest carp of the week […]

Week 17-24 June Lake regulars Dave ,Keith ,Gary, Craig and Lee enjoyed there week at the lake with 38 carp landed. Dave landing the biggest at 53 lb and the most. Good to see you again , see you again soon 👍

Week 1-8 July A new group to the lake, Ryan, Jamie, Jimmy and Pete, had a great week for July considering this heat. The guys managed 41 carp, with 3 x50 Ib carp getting landed… Jamie, landing the biggest at 52lb 12oz, also with the most caught, 16 carp. Ryan, with the second biggest at […]

I would just like to say the lake and owners paul and Terri are 10/10. They place , venue and the owners are amazing and I can’t wait to go back

Beautiful kept lake, Paul & Terri are lovely, helpful people. Some stunning fish.

Week 10-17 September…. Peter Bells group, consisting of Mark, Erol, Arron, Lee & Dan…They had a lot of laughs this week, mainly at each other! This group Managed to land 35 carp, 15 of which were landed by Mark, whom also landed the largest, at 60lb 2oz. The whole group managed to land their new […]

Week 3-10 September Newcomers to the lake, Steve, Wes, Adam and Russ enjoyed their week, landing 30 carp between them. Russ landing a new PB and he’s first 60lb carp at 60lb. Wes, landed the most carp, with 3 fifty’s up to 53lb & 7 forty’s to 48lb.

Week 13-20 August Jeff, Matt,Tony and Mazey, all landing a new PB carp for each of them. Mazey with the biggest carp of the week, 61lb 6 oz Mirror. The extreme hot weather has made fishing hard this summer.

First time to Etang la Planchette and I could not have chosen a better venue. The lake and surrounding nature reserve are absolutely beautiful. Paul and Terry are super host’s. And the fishing? There were fustrations, it’s carp fishing! But with a little input from Paul, I came away with a haul of five fish […]

Lake regular Stewart had a fantastic week at the lake landing 2 x 48 lb mirrors, Toe nails at 51 lb 13 also a new PB at 57lb then landing his first 60lb carp at 62 lb 2 oz another new 60 lb carp in the lake . The 3rd carp this year topping over […]

A few carp from Steve , Joe and Chris Biggest carp to Steve a new PB 48lb 6 oz Also Joe and Chris landing new PB .

Nathan, Josh and Keiron loved there week at La Planchette. Very hot weather making fishing hard but still managed some nice carp . Josh leading the way with a 51lb then a new PB 54lb 2 oz Mirror .

Phil Odonoghue’s group had a tough week at the lake after spawning . There was some lumps out with Danny leading the way with the Silver Surfer . Calvin landing toenails at 50 lb 9oz Phil , Daniel,and Jason having new P B

Martin, Sander, Daniel and Eric enjoyed their week at the the lake, with Eric Landing the biggest at 61 lb 3oz common, a new PB for Eric… Which is also a new 60 lb carp in the lake . Well done guys see you next time 👍

Dutch group Sander , Jurgen and Chiel enjoyed there week at the lake with some nice carp landed . Chiel landing the Silver Surfer on the last evening at a spawned out weight 62 lb .

Week 30 April -7 May Stuart, Gary, Fred and Nathan,enjoyed their week at the lake . Nathan went home a very happy man, landing this beautiful common at 58 lbs, a new PB . Stuart landing the most carp to 44lb.

Week 23-30 April Colin Mathews had a good week at the lake 19 carp landed with the biggest being 2 x 57 lb Mirrors a 53 lb common and 53 lb mirror and a 52 lb mirror

Week 16-23 April A Few photos from Gavin and Jason from there week at the lake .

Will Berriman with his first 50lb carp This stunning common tipping the scales to 54 lb.

A very wet week for English angler Dave Penny , hard work paid of landing 14 carp . Fishing with Pallatrax Crave , 14 mm boilies .

Fantastic fun week at the lake with Kenneth, Rangel,Dylan, Willem and Toet. A hard weeks fishing ,but you still managed 4 new PB , well worked at . Thanks for the amazing feedback I’m glad we looked after you , and you enjoyed your week . See you next year . Paul and Terri

Nikky Franson had Good week at the Lake Catching 22 carp . He said when leaving , I can’t wait to come back . See you again soon . Stay safe !

Week 27 March -3 April The season got off to a Good start before France went into lockdown For a month until 1 May. 38 carp landed from our friend’s from Holland Lowie , Ronny and Marcel . Biggest of the week a 53 lb common for Marcel on the last night. Ronny landing the […]