What a great start to open our season with our first guests Sean and Tracy on a weeks holiday.
Barely 2 days fishing and it can’t get any better!!
WHOO Sean has set the ‘catch mark’ and landed the 60.2Lb CAT-FISH after an hours run around the lake,it was literally all feet and hands on deck, Well done Tracy who got muddy feet and Lola for helping out too. You can sit back now and enjoy the rest of your week!
![La Chatouillette – 29 April, 2024](https://ogaik5s7ow.dreamcarpholidays.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0263.jpg)
![La Chatouillette – 29 April, 2024](https://ogaik5s7ow.dreamcarpholidays.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0269.jpg)