
Catch Reports related to Winters Lake

Sadly Paul arrived on his own as his mates couldn’t make it but that didn’t stop him, he ended up with 6 fish up to 45lb!

We thought this week was going to be a fairly consistent on the fishing front but soon got rattled mid-week after quite a large drop in temps, the lake went dead with little or no signs of fish at all however they managed to catch 6 fish with the biggest going 61+ followed by a […]

It was lovely to meet the guys who traveled all the way from Sweden last week, the lake fished hard again with only 7 fish coming out including one re-capture of the 60+ common which came out the week before however three of the four anglers had pbs which is great, sadly mikael that was […]

Group of 4 regulars, what a contrast week compared to before with 15 fish coming out including 4 x 50+ but mostly Willow swim producing the bites, looks more and more like a lot of fish spawned early this year

We welcomed Ray (Damo) and Phil, it was a good start for Phil in Tower who had 3 PBs in the first 48hrs up to 45+ Ray had to play musical swims having to chase them round a bit but the last few days after going back in to his original swim things picked up […]

This week we had four anglers on, ending up with 18 fish up to 58+ including a few PBs which is always great. It was a really interesting formation as two doubled up in Lonely swim with two rods each, one in Gate swim and one in Willow swim and we think it really helped […]

The lads ended up with around 20 fish between the 3 of them, a little bit of chasing about but all come good in the end with the biggest going 50+