
Catch Reports related to Odyssea

The 2 anglers in swim 1 caught 12 fish from 17lb to 41lbs with average size of just over 27lbs. The lake owner Guillaume also fished for 36 hours landing 6 and and losing 3. Baiting with 6kg of tigers and 15kg of pellets did the business and avoided any attention from the bream.

We had 45 carp, to 46lb. But, a lot of bream too and they will take a double 20mm. There are no facilities on the lake, except the dry toilet, no water or hand wash as the facilities were out of use due to a storm. Showers are available at the campsite which is a […]

We didn’t receive feedback this week but only pictures from the anglers with the biggest a 58lb mirror. The bream were not an issue this week.

It will be the only picture i received from the costumers from last week. Swim 4 send me this very big carp weight over 66lbs. Other average carp was, caught on swim 2 and 4. Congratulations for this amazing fish

Last week of april with a very cold weather with nights at miness 2 degrés and very cold north wind and also full moon maked the first four days very quiet. Only some grass, carp was active and some silver fish. When the weather turn, some common and miror came out between 26 to 48 […]

Odyssea was hard this week due the very cold weather with some nights close to miness 1 degrés. It was not a april weather. The first days no carp came out and bream was very active on the baiting, then the weather changed and some carp was caught with a top at 47 lbs and […]

This week the anglers start fishing with small boilies 12mm and particules and the bream become active. After we give tips like using big boilies 20/24 mm and some good spot, swim 4 and 3 caught some carps. Weather was changing every day with rain and sun and cold night close to miness 1 degrés. […]

Some news about the facilities. We had a rood damage last week and we take the decision to rent a local campsite for our costumers. He is at only 2 mn from the lake. All is perfect and clean. We ask each costumers to leave this place very clean. About the fridge and charging zone, […]

Odyssea – 19 August, 2023

19 August, 2023

robbe Maes is owner of a bait company booked Odyssea exclusively to test new boilie range with friends. the week was perfect, some friends some fish and a good time close to the beautiful lake. They caught a total of 28 fish with a top at 58+ lbs miror carp. swim 1, 2 and 4 […]

3 swims was booked by week booking and some middle week booking. swim 4 was the best. 3 fish in two days with a beautiful scaly carp weight at 47 lbs. swim 1 was slow but after changing the bait and strategy, they try sweet corn and good common came out. swim 3 didn’t caught […]

2 x 50lb mirrors 20+ commons between 15 to 31lbs Grass carp – 44lb, 48lb, 30lb, 27lb,25lb Grass carp caught – 44lb, 48lb, 30lb, 27lb,25lb Silver carp to 54lb 1 foul hooked cat at 60-70lb

Odyssea – 13 May, 2023

08 June, 2023

Round up from the last 2 weeks. Xavier Cribelier manager cc moore France fished 2 nights. He landed a total of 10 carp with 7 on the first night the largest of which was a Linear of 45lbs. Dutch anglers fishing swim 2 landed 14 fish to over 50lbs. Alan Bell fished swim 4 for […]

The first couple of weeks of April proved to slow with northerly winds and temperatures dropping to 1 degrees. This week has started very well with 4 carp from swim 1 on the first day and one from swim 4. Attached is a selection of some of the carp.

Odyssea – 18 February, 2023

18 February, 2023

A mega mirror of 66lbs landed during a short winter session on Odyssea.

Odyssea – 10 December, 2022

10 December, 2022

hello y’all, yesterday we did added huge carp fishing on Odyssey. Over 70 carp in total with an average weight of almost 35lbs with a typical scale nuggets as well as several 45lbs and a fat female over 65lbs!